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Mapping Creativity in the EU – Competition Policy

CLIENT: CEES, Doctorate in Economic, Business and Social Sciences of the University of Seville, Spain

Digitally, Conference in Spanish (Blackboard Collaborate)


Keynote Mapping Creativity in the European Union: the role of Human Development, Digitization and Sustainability with focus on the vector creativity and competition frameworks in the platform economy.

Related link

Watch video of the presentation by Antonio Carlos (in Spanish, 32 min.)


Antonio Carlos, director Economía Creativa, presented its research publication Mapping Creativity in the European Union: the role of Human Development, Digitization and Sustainability at the Seminar of the Chair of Competition Policy and the Research Group of Economic Analysis and Political Economy (SEJ-359) of the University of Seville, Spain.

The Seminars, coordinated by Prof. Luis Palma, aimed to analyze competition policy across different industries with emphasis in professional services and creative sectors.

Antonio Carlos, drawing upon its research Mapping Creativity, focused its presentation in analyzing the current dynamic of the platform economy and its implications into the optimal supply of creativity and creative talent for business and organizations and the economy. He showcased how the value is co-created by multiple actors (platforms, creative citizens and businesses, public institutions) that are part of creative societies. However, the value is (mainly) captured by the platform providers. To correct this asymmetry in the market, he proposed a reconfiguration of the value capture through a combination of competition policy (regulatory frameworks), intellectual property rights and a holistic system approach focusing on economic opportunity, continuous learning, equality, dynamizing labour market and tax systems to nurture and empower people of all backgrounds creativity and creative talent in the creative societies.


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UNCTAD Creative Economy Expert Meeting Geneva

How can the creative economy contribute to sustainable and inclusive development?

Emerging trade asymmetries, deepened by digital platforms. The nature of work in the cultural and creative industries. Environmental issues and sustainability. These and other new horizons for the creative economy were recently discussed at UNCTAD’s first ad hoc meeting on the creative economy and sustainable development at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting brought together over 120 experts from various countries worldwide.

Project scope and outcome

Creative economy can play a key role in supporting trade and productive capacities in developing countries, decent job creation, competitiveness, and innovation, and in encouraging the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the impact of digital technologies and the continued rise of creative industries are combining to drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is essential that developing countries are enabled to become part of this digital-creative industries revolution.

The expert meeting provided an opportunity to discuss challenges at hand, current developments related to creative economy and implications for developing countries, and to formulate recommendations.

Against this backdrop, the UNCTAD Secretariat held the First Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Creative Economy for Sustainable Development on 28 October 2019 from 10 am to 6 pm at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

This event brought together leading experts from government, business, academia and international organizations to discuss the development opportunities and challenges associated with the evolving creative economy. The event aimed to:

  • Raise awareness of the importance of the creative economy for sustainable development
  • Advance the development agenda connected to creative economy, including recommendations for the development gains of developing countries
  • Create and strengthen networks and partnerships for the advancement of key related issues including those related to statistics related to creative economy, intellectual property, market access, entrepreneurship, digital economy and innovation.

Antonio Carlos and Justyna were very grateful and honoured to have been invited as speaker/contributors at the UNCTAD First Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Creative Economy, representing Economía Creativa.

  • Organization of work, annotated agenda and programme available here.
  • List of participants accessible here.
  • Event outcome by UNCTAD accessible here.




Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland


Expert meeting


Antonio Carlos Ruiz Soria, speaker/expert

Justyna Molendowska-Ruiz, expert

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New Economy and Society Global Forum

CLIENT: NESI Global Forum

Palacio de Congresos, Málaga, Spain


Contributors, event partners

Project scope and outcome

The NESI Global Forum for New Economy and Social Innovation is the meeting place for all people and organizations working to co-create a New Economy at the service of people and the planet.

In April 2019, more than 700 entrepreneurs, business leaders, academics, policy makers, activists and students came to the NESI Global Forum to be part of a very special journey. They came into a “time machine” and traveled to the future. During three days, they were living in the “City 2030” in the year 2030, a place where humankind had achieved their global goals. They experienced a new economic system at the service of people and the planet. Through collective wisdom and the application of social innovation, they explored how to create a healthy and ecological
food system and how to transform the housing & urban systems.

Economía Creativa supported NESI Forum as event partner/contributor, participating in different expert sessions and disseminating the Forum conclusions that you can find here.

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